Application for
The reVIVE Course


Holland Zeeland:

Thursdays: January 23 - April 17 (no class April 10)
Time: 5:30 - 7:00pm
Single MOMM Holland Zeeland Office
104 Clover Street, Holland
(childcare provided infant - 14)

Retreat Information:

An important aspect of The reVIVE Course is the retreat (a weekend away just for mom!) Location & date
to be announced soon.
Please make sure you are able to attend this retreat.

Please note: childcare is NOT provided for retreat.

Payment Options

The cost to participant in The reVIVE Course is $50.
If you cannot pay the $50 in one payment,
you can choose the payment plan below.

Choice #1: Payment in full of $50
Choice #2: Enrollment in a payment plan.
Paid in four installments of $12.50

**We would like to thank our amazing community partners who, through their generosity,
have allowed us to offer this course to you at a significant discount.
Without their sponsorship, the cost of reVIVE would be $300 per participant.

Payment Plan:

reVIVE Course Payment Plan Details: 

The cost of the this course for moms is $50. (The full cost of the course is $300 but through the generous support of local churches, businesses, individuals, and organizations, we have been able to lower the cost to the participant to $50). If you cannot pay the $50 in one payment, you can apply for a payment plan, which will be structured like this: 

4 installments of $12.50:
Session one - $12.50 due to Single MOMM
Session three - $12.50 due to Single MOMM
Session five - $12.50 due to Single MOMM
Session seven - $12.50 due to Single MOMM

By signing up for this payment plan, you promise to satisfy the amount offered, by paying the sum of $50.  You understand that the initial payment of $12.50 is due on the first day of reVIVE. Subsequent installments in the amount of $12.50 will be paid at reVIVE week three, week five, and week seven until the entire amount has been paid in full.

You further understand that if you cannot pay this amount by the days stated above that you will connect directly with Single MOMM to let them know and work out arrangements for remaining payment.

Pay in Full:

Full reVIVE Course Registration Payment:

The reVIVE Course is a 13-week course with a retreat component. The cost of the this course for moms is $50. (The full cost of the course is $300 but through the generous support of local churches, businesses, individuals, and organizations, we have been able to lower the cost to the participant to $50).

As stated above, the cost to each mom is $50. If you cannot pay the $50 in one payment, you can utilize the payment plan further down on this page. 


Please click here if you’re interested in learning more about other happenings at Single MOMM.